Money (And The Lack Thereof)

I hate being poor. I hate having to survive for weeks on nothing but stale cereal and hotdogs. I hate having to wait for movies to come out in the cheapies before i can afford to see them. I hate the fact that our family is barely making ends meet, and that i know that. I shouldn’t be worrying about bills, or how we’re going to afford food this month! i’m not an adult, i’m barely even old enough to have a job. And of course my stepdad can’t possibly be bothered to help us out, even when he lives alone , and lives in a tiny apartment with hardly any rent. he makes more money then anyone else in our family, but is alway ‘a little tight this month’. As if. he doesn’t even own his own furniture! he rents it all. which has to be more expensive then just buying it. What king of father can’t be bothered to loan the person who’s raising his kids like, 40$ bucks to get us to the next paycheck? It’s not like he pays child support, or anything. He gets my sisters each weekend, but that’s it. a weekend of parenting a week isn’t expensive. Lazy asshole. And he wonders why as soon as i could i stopped visiting on the weekends. hmph.

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Filed under Home, Life

One response to “Money (And The Lack Thereof)

  1. Sounds just like my dad. Well not really. My dad does pay child support, but I hate him because he used to hit my mom and then when she left him he turned to me. But then he expects me to fall on his every word and be as happy as a clam to take his orders. “No that’s not how that works jackass, I don’t like you so I’m going to rush around just so things are done when you want them to.” I’d love to say this to him, but do I? Nope, because that would be a large fight that would lead to no money for Christmas.

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