Tag Archives: Glee

Is It Wrong…

That I watched two hours of boring-ness (AKA- Golden Globes) Just for a glimpse of Darren Criss? No. Why? Because I did, in fact, get that glimpse. So nyah.


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Best Search Term. Ever.

Someone searched ‘Darren Criss defines awesome’ and got to my blog. Whoever that was, I love you.

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Watching Glee Reruns- Yes!!!

A Danish Christmas tree illuminated with burni...

Image via Wikipedia

I love it! Darren Criss, four days before Christmas? Yes, please! He’s just so… Ahh! I love him immensely! And my sister, who hates Harry Potter, isn’t allowed to love him, is ever so angry, and I just showed her why. She can’t stand that he was in AVPM/AVPS. And I find that almost as satisfying as watching him without waiting for the damn video to buffer. I hope it snows on Christmas… Hell, at this point I’d even take a little rain. Well… This is kind of a waste of a post. I have absolutely nothing going on worth blogging about. It’s not close enough to Christmas to be freaking out about not having all my shopping done, it’s too close to be doing any decorating, and There’s nothing insanely intriguing on tv that I haven’t already posted about. So… How’re y’all? OH!! No, I remembered! We found our stockings today!!! A full two days earlier then usual! I don’t know if that’s a good thing, or a bad thing. Because my aunt also got my report card in the mail, and hasn’t yelled at me once about it, so I can only assume I did good enough for it not to be punishable. And I am actually almost done with all of my presents. I even went to a party on Saturday, with permission, and not even the sarcastic kind that I turn into legitimate permission! But actual, 100% real permission! I didn’t even know they still made that! Lol…

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Something To Do While I Wait for American Literature to End

Cropped screenshot of Charlie Chaplin and Paul...

Image via Wikipedia

65 Questions You’ve Probably Never Been Asked…
  1. First thing you wash in the shower? My face.
  2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Garbanzo bean.
  3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? If he’s kept up his cuteness, yeah.
  4. Do you plan outfits? Yeah… No.
  5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Tired as hell, and nervous about my monologue.
  6. What’s the closest thing to you that’s red? The mechanical pencil in my purse.
  7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Um… Something about the whole school having a sleepover, and eating a lot of breakfast. It was weird.
  8. Did you meet anybody new today? Not of any importance.
  9. What are you craving right now? Milk.
  10. Do you floss? When I want to take as long as I can in the bathroom to bug my sister. So, everyday!
  11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Gross and purple.
  12. Are you emotional? Very much so.
  13. 13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? Yeah. When I was eight my mom said I could only count to 100, and I wanted to prove her wrong.
  14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I lick it until it gets to the cone, then… I go CHOMP!!!
  15. Do you like your hair? Hell no!
  16. Do you like yourself? With the right amount of coffee, yes.
  17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Only if I got to kick him in the shin for being so awful.
  18. What are you listening to right now? Smile (Charlie Chaplin)- by Glee.
  19. Are your parents strict? From what I’ve heard, not at all.
  20. Would you go sky diving? Not near any water, but yeah, it sounds cool.
  21. Do you like cottage cheese? Ew. chunky milk.
  22. Have you ever met a celebrity? I was in the same room as Paul McCartney once. does that count?
  23. Do you rent movies often? Nah. If I like it, I’m going to want to watch it over and over. If I don’t, I can bring it back, and get a different one.
  24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in? I’m in class, at high school. What do YOU think?
  25. How many countries have you visited? One. This one.
  26. Have you made a prank phone call? Yes, but using the phone at a public library. We didn’t want to get caught.
  27. Ever been on a train? Nope.
  28. Brown or white eggs? Brown ones make me feel like a farmer!
  29. Do you have a cell phone? Of course.
  30. Do you use chap stick? Religiously.
  31. Do you own a gun? Gross, no.
  32. Can you use chop sticks? Yup. Great for stabbing.
  33. Who are you going to be with tonight? My family, watching Glee. And Willow and Elena, in spirit. Lol…
  34. Are you too forgiving? Depends on the situation. I hold onto little things, but let go of the big things, usually.
  35. Ever been in love? Yeah.
  36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? Um… going to school?
  37. Ever have cream puffs? No. They sound unappetizing.
  38. Last time you cried? Last night. i was watching a law and order repeat.
  39. What was the last question you asked? “Do you want to go to the library?”
  40. Favorite time of the year? Winter.
  41. Do you have any tattoos? Only temporary ones.
  42. Are you sarcastic? No. No I am not. Not at all.
  43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? Parts of it.
  44. Ever walked into a wall? … No…
  45. Favorite color? Yellow. Or green.
  46. Have you ever slapped someone? Yeah. In 7th grade, some little whore made my best friend cry, so I slapped her. And my sister, but she doesn’t count.
  47. Is your hair curly? Nope. Bone straight. I wish. Yeah, it’s curly, to say the least.
  48. What was the last CD you bought? Glee: The Music, Christmas CD and Now that’s what i call music Christmas, Volume 4.
  49. Do looks matter? Never. I’d take a fat sweetheart over a hot asshole any day.
  50. Could you ever forgive a cheater? I think so, if there was a good reason. No ‘It just happened’s for me!
  51. Is your phone bill sky high? Not too much, considering how often i use it.
  52. Do you like your life right now? Mostly.
  53. Do you sleep with the TV on? Nope. Never. Unless i fall asleep with it on.
  54. Can you handle the truth? Yes.
  55. Do you have good vision? Good enough that I’m not impaired greatly when i don’t wear my glasses.
  56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Yes. It’s not my fault, though. They are very easy to hate people.
  57. How often do you talk on the phone? Rarely. I text.
  58. The last person you held hands with? My little sister, when we were Christmas shopping.
  59. What are you wearing? A white button down shirt, tan slacks, black flats, and the glasses I thought I lost. It’s Nerd Day for Spirit Week.
  60. What is your favorite animal? Cats, all the way!
  61. Where was your profile picture taken at? At my aunt’s house while i was babysitting my cousin.
  62. Can you hula hoop? Not more then three times around. I’m not very coordinated.
  63. Do you have a job? Officially? No. Unofficially, I babysit. Extensively.
  64. What was the most recent thing you bought? Lunch, yesterday.
  65. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yeah… I forgot my house keys, and had to sneak though my sister’s window.

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Day 1(Yes, Another Thing I Stole From Someone Else’s Blog!)

Just a Friend

Image via Wikipedia

So, according to Erica’s blog, day 1 is a letter to someone who was there for you during a hard time in 2010. here goes!

Dear Willow,

Yeah, I guess it was kind of obvious who I’d choose. You’re my best friend, after all! I’ve never wanted a brother, ever. I don’t have a very good track record with men in general, as you know. But then I met you. I don’t even remember how, or why, but I did, and I fell in love. In a strictly platonic way, of course. You make me laugh, and I can (and do) tell you everything, even if it’s just a random thought I had while walking to the bus stop, or watching Glee. I can go to you whenever I need to, despite the 3 states that separate us. Throughout all for this past year, you’ve been my rock. When the friendship I’d had since freshman year hit the three year mark, and disintegrated, you were there, and I didn’t care so much when they would ignore me, because I knew that no matter what, I still had you. And then when Trici and I had that falling out a few months ago, you kept me from isolating myself, like I usually would have done.

You are perfect. You’re funny, smart, and only a wee bit crazy! So you remember that, whenever you are feeling sad, and want to cry, but can’t. Remember that I love you, and even if you weren’t gay, I still would! uh. Usually, people say that they’d love someone, even if they were gay. I am so backwards sometimes…

Anywho, I love you lots, GBFAM!!! (Gay Brother From Another Mother)

Okay, that was that. In about an hour, you’ll have Day 2 up. because I can never keep something like this going for more then a couple days. Lol…


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Favorite Song on Radio and it Makes Me Smile!

I never thought I’d find an all time favorite song, let alone on that was popular with other people my age (We as a whole have shitty taste. it’s okay. Embrace it!), but I can’t help but love Just the Way You Are. Bruno Mars has always amoosed me, ever since they were on Saturday Night Live, but I was pretty much indifferent, as far as songs go. But this song is pretty much perfect. It’s my go to shower song, my go to sad and wanna feel happy song, my everything song! Such a good song, so cute. The fact that Finn sang it to Kurt has nothing to do with it, surprisingly enough!

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People are so Weird…

Pilot (Glee)

Image via Wikipedia

About Glee. Like I always do, I went and perused some forums about glee, to see what other people thought of last night’s episode. My god, people hate change. Like, they were so butt hurt about how in the first season, bullying was something not to be taken very seriously, even funny at some points, but this season it’s all super serious. Wow, find some depth, people. There are different kinds and levels of bullying. Being called names, getting a slushie in the face- unpleasant, but faintly amusing. Being pushed into lockers and kissed by a creeper? Serious. And everyone’s upset because this season’s main focus is going to be about bullying, which translates into more Kurt. I’m sorry, but when a season of tv is about bullying, and it’s set in Ohio, with an openly gay main character, yes, the season will feature that person a lot. Wouldn’t it seem odd to you that the gay kid who wears weird clothes is left alone, while the short bitchy girl is bullied? If it offends you so much, just skip this year’s season. But if I see one more guy ranting about the ‘gay agenda’, I’m going to scream. Because yeah, gay people have monthly meetings, and plot to take over the world over tea and cookies. Just like black people do over rice krispies, and asians do over rice and chopsticks. People are just so ridiculous! It’s not like one season that focusses slightly on a gay character is going to turn everyone gay, people! Just like watching animal planet won’t make you throw poop, and scratch your ass. People are just so dumb! There’s no way to accurately describe how dimwitted and close minded this world is! You love who you love, that’s that! Do you know what my cousin told me on Thanksgiving? That in the future, being gay is going to be illegal. What’s sadder- the fact that a 9 year old worries about this, or the fact that for all we know, it could be? We’ve already brought back racial profiling, and are blaming problems we’ve always had on illegal immigrants, why is this so out there? So, my simple rant about idiotic bigots has, as always, turned into something completely different. Why does this always happen to me?? *Sigh* my brain is broked.


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Ugh… I HATE Being Sick!!!

Some Snow Dec 2005

Image via Wikipedia

It sucks, you know. My nose is rubbed raw from all the tissue-blowing I’ve done, my eyes itch like crazy, and I’m hungry, but I know that anything I eat will just come back up in a few hours. Argh…

Glee tonight, y’all! Singin’, and dancin’, and Darren Criss… *Sigh* But thanks to the unfairness of the world, my damn phone isn’t working, and I can’t reply to any texts I get. i can read them, but what’s the point in that if you can’t reply?

I think I should paint my toenails. It’s only fair, since they’ve evened out so nicely, after I stubbed my foot last month, and broke a couple nails.

Skating with the Stars is the worst show on tv, ever. I watched it last night because I’d read somewhere about the gay judge, but he’s not the fun, cute kind of gay. Not even the Garret kind of gay (does girl stuff, wears pastels…), but the annoying kind that you kinda want to poke in the eye. You know, the guy who wears make up, and calls everyone ‘girlfriend’? Yeah,I’d hate him more, but he did make me laugh last night, so I can’t, dammit all.

It has happened, everyone, I found the one aspect of the holidays that I hate. Family time. Because god forbid I go shopping with my aunt, and dare to have fun. God forbid I not want to go home right away instead of spending time with family I rarely see. Because according to the shrew I live with, enjoying spending time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins, means that I want to live with them. Yeah, okay, crazypants. Whatever floats your boat. So either i want to spend time with other family, and am an awful person who appreciates nothing, or I isolate myself, and am a selfish whore who wants all the attention. Oh, decision, decisions…

I ran into the librarian at Pizza Hut a couple of days ago. I love her. She’s probably one of about… eight adults I can stand. She lets me check out extra books, sometimes. And she even drove me home from prom last year, which I thought was so sweet of her.

My feet are FREEZING!!! Today’s high is 58 degrees, and yesterday it was only 51! But, of course, the weekend’s overall high is like, 74 degrees. This is why I hate the desert. Just pick a range, dammit! It’s not normal to jump 200 something degrees in a matter of days! At least in Florida, they can anticipate fairly uniform weather, even if their highs are at about 84. I never know if I’m going to need a sweater, a winter coat, or a short sleeved shirt!

You know you’re watching and obsessing over a show too much when you dream about the show repeatedly. I can never remember them, but every dream I can recall having the past week has been about Glee. And the one about Trici and Codie’s wedding, but that’s a whole other ball of rice!

Well, I’ve successfully killed an hour. Now I’m gonna see if soaps are over yet.


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Ahh! Glee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cover of "The Hunger Games"

Cover of The Hunger Games

Glee. Is. AMAZING!!! I am so glad they did Just the Way You Are, you don’t even know! That’s kind of my go to shower song. And I liked Dave’s dad. I thought he was going to be every bit an asshole as his son, but he wasn’t, which I liked. And Sue‘s wedding scene was just so… odd, and sweet, and heartbreaking. Abandoning your kids is bad enough, but coming back and expecting nothing to have changed… I don’t care how much I love my mom, if she ever does something like that, I’ll kick her. Next week’s episode is going to be badass, though. Willow, my boy, you got your wish. Darren and Kurt are going to sing together!!!! I need to figure out what though, see if it fits them… And people say I’m obsessed… Ha!

Okay, I have been searching for about half an hour, and no one has a real idea what they’re going to be singing, or who’s singing what. I saw Hey Soul Sister and Time of My Life mentioned, though, so…

I am a freak. I started reading the Hunger Games in first period, right? Not even reading non stop, just when ever Hennessey stopped talking. By lunch, I was finished, and well into the next one, called Catching Fire. The books are good, don’t misunderstand me. But people take SO LONG to read even a little book, like Anthem, while I fly through stuff like that! *Sigh* Why couldn’t I have been a math prodigy, instead? Being a fast reader and being able to read really advanced stuff won’t really get you anywhere, except maybe a certificate from the library, of which I have many. My aunt has been reading the 7th HP book for a week now, and still isn’t anywhere near being done, but I read it three times over the weekend!! *Sigh* I guess I’m just going to have to accept that I am incapable of finding a suitable way to display my superior intellect. Though, I have been supplying Trici with good comebacks to use against her boyfriend, so maybe do have a purpose! Lol…

So, my tummy feels funny, I can’t wait until next week, and I have an eye booger. Good night, all!


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Hey, All!

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

How’s it going, lovelies? I finished a 2 page paper I had to write in English, so now I’m putting off turning it in, because i don’t want to do any more work. So I figured i’d give you all a post.

I finished my dramatic monologue for Drama last night. I think it’s pretty good, my self, but what do you all think?

Dramatic Monologue– My Baby

I never wanted to leave you, you know. It’s not like one day, out of the blue, I thought ‘Hey, I’m going to leave everything I know in this world behind and hope it all works out!’ It doesn’t work like that. It starts out a stray thought one day, while you’re driving to work. Just an innocent longing for something a little… more. No mother ever looks into her baby girl’s eyes, and plans on abandoning her, to fend off a world that just isn’t ready for her. No mother actually thinks leaving an 8-year-old girl alone with two toddlers for days at a time is good parenting. I loved you and your sisters. I still do.

You’re all grown up now, almost 18 years old. I don’t know if you remember me, or if I really even want you to. I wanted to come back to you, I really did! It’s just… Coming back to you after 9 years would do nothing but hurt you. I know, because it would hurt me, and you’re just like me. I’ve watched you cry yourself to sleep for days on end, even when no one else sees it. Every day I see you put on that same mask, and am unable to do anything to help you. I watch you cling hopelessly to every single relationship you can, and it hurts, so much, knowing I’m the reason you don’t trust anyone to stand by you, no matter what. I just wish I could find some way to tell you just how sorry I am, how much I regret leaving you to a family that doesn’t understand you. That sees your dreams, and makes a mockery of them.

‘I’m sorry’ just seems so… so cheap, when I think about all the pain I put you through. But I am. Sorry, that is. Look what I’ve turned you into! You have no self-esteem, when you should have all the self-esteem in the world. You are a brilliant, wonderful girl, and I wish I could tell you so. I know you don’t believe in God, baby, but one day, one sad, perfect day, we will be together again. And I will spend everyday from then on, trying to make it up to you. Every missed recital, every birthday, every heartbreak. Every boring, meaningless moment of your life. Just wait, baby girl, just wait.  I love you.

Is it good? I can tell you, writing a dramatic monologue is a lot easier then writing a comedic one! I’m only funny if I improv it, which I doubt we’ll be allowed to just improv a whole monologue. I can’t be funny in monologue form! It’s just not possible. When i write something funny, I end up turning it into a story, with a full plotline, and cast of character. Which are definitely not required for monologues. At all.

I promised myself i wouldn’t mention Darren Criss at all today. Guess I lost. I can’t help it, though! I was on YouTube and I came across Baby it’s Cold Outside, Glee version, and I love it. I hate that song, too, so… Darren Criss is fun. And he’s been boosting my daily views insanely, because people Google him, and I have about… 12 posts about him.


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